Thursday, July 27, 2006
/edit. I know what it is already. It's not anger, not really. It's hurt, it's disappointment. At you, at myself. I'm such a loser. =/
It's the feeling of knowing that person isn't really at fault, yet wanting to blame that person still.
Fuck. I hate that word.
she uttered nonsense at 1:54 AM$BlogItemDateTime$>
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
I hate blogging about trips; it's just too troublesome.
I hate the angsty feeling.
I hate that I couldn't find anyone to tell.
Sometimes, it's the feeling of wanting to be in, yet wanting to be out at the same time. Not wanting to conform, to follow. Contradictions bugging the head, and the mind. It's weird. The questions people ask. Having to keep that smile and garner all that enthusiasm as I usually would do. Pretending to be dumb, acting blur, yet wanting to say just leave me alone.
Oh don't mistaken me, I did have lotsa fun. (: Minus the food and all that travelling, I guess it was a pretty good trip. Considering I went there before, so.
It's indeed a wonderful opportunity to get to know people better, especially to those whom I usually seldom talked to. It's a great chance to see the side of people outside the co room.
Shopping was great fun too, but really tiring. And having to act like retards, it was potentially harmful to the brain. hah.
Photos to be up another time ok? I'm really tired. Goodnight. And unpacking is such a chore. Ok shall hopefully do it tomorrow.
she uttered nonsense at 2:28 AM$BlogItemDateTime$>
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Doing the obligatory before-leaving blog post. Off to China for the next week or so, not that anybody cares.
Okay so what have I been up to the past few days. Ohya. Went kite flying with hong and gang, although pics will be put up much later due to someone's *ahem* procrastination. hahah. Went for class chalet, where turnout was pretty good, and I watched my first (and last) World Cup06 match!! Although technically I didn't watch it completely seeing how I got so bored and pulled 3 other pple to join me in mahjong. And I didn't really get to have a heart-to-heart as I waited so long for. Ohwells. Pics for class chalet's alr all over the place, pick and choose. Not here though. And this week? Sat on the dangerous vehicle we call a van for...4 plus hours? and stuffed boxes with newspapers. And spongy foam. haha I also dunno wad I'm talking about.
Mr bolster's gone. I'm sad. sighh. =(
Too much thinking, too much thoughts, too much for my own good.
The nagging feeling, the perpetual worry.
The occasional glance, the incidental checks.
Is there such a thing as incidental checking? How can checks be incidental? oxymoronic.
Oxymoronic. O x y moronic. moronic
yeaa that's what this post is, dumb.
Off I go to sleep. Busy week ahead, and may I enjoy my time there. Trying to keep my spirits up, yeah. Charged up, excitement, enthusiasm!!! =D
Yeaaa that's better. One more thing to be happy about, BESTIE'S back!! hahahaah. Like backstreet's back liddat. errrr. hahh. too bad im gg off. In a week girl, in a week! We'll paint the town red when i get back.
she uttered nonsense at 1:49 AM$BlogItemDateTime$>
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Heeheee. Was looking through the pics and look!! Look at all the crappy stuff we do in hostel!!

And see what I like to do during lectures. (besides falling asleep, that is)

The LT is obviously very cold.
And the ultimate act cute picture...........

Okay please don't puke, I know I look absolutely repulsive. Scold me quick!! HAHAHA =D I already made it smaller lorrr so that you won't lose your lunch too much.
I obviously have nothing better to do. I just like to waste blog space. And suck your bandwidth at the same time. Muahaha. Thanks xiang darling for all the fotos ya. Ok off I go to bed before someone nags. ;p
she uttered nonsense at 4:27 AM$BlogItemDateTime$>