Friday, December 29, 2006
I am so freaking tired now, having slept like 2hours in the past 36hours. Got kan cheonged by keety about results, and when v sent me home at 8am this morning, I kept myself awake to wait for its release. Until around 930 and I cmi and fell asleep. haha.
I did ok.... at least i think for me la. haha. yk did much better than me but he said he din do well. ohwells, to each his own. My own standard. And, as long as I continuously meet my goal of improving the gpa every sem, it's good isn't it? yups. (: And huns did so well, I'm so proud of her!! It was like so hilarious when she saw her results and couldn't believe it was hers, that she logged out and logged in again. hurhurr.
Some people should just start becoming more responsible than they are currently. I may not be in a position to comment, but to me, if you're going to breathe down others' necks, I think you should at least breathe down your own and make sure you've done what is at least required of you before doing so. *shrugs* Just a thought.
Also, I don't think it's very nice to say yes at first, den at the last minute say no. It isn't an easy task to organise an outing, so unless you really have very urgent matters, I think the least we can do is to attend it when we say we will. Just put yourself in the organiser's shoes, and I think you'll know what I'm trying to say here. No I'm not talking about myself, I just think it's necessary to appreciate what others have done.
Lack of photos here, so they're coming up!

bounce in the thingy until so groggy


ohmmmmmmm~ *giggles*

cheers (:
Xmas eve eve, post payco concert. Been hanging out at balcony a fair bit recently, too bad naima couldn't come with us. And I'm still waiting for her to send me the pics from her cam so that her pretty face can grace this page. But she's so slow!!!!
v's house underwent a hugeeee makeover, and her place looks so futuristic now!! so chioooo. All I can say is, it's not cheap, and that 1 year of having to shift to elsewhere while the place got renovated is so worth it once u step inside!! So we were just fooling around with the camera in the super spacious living room...

pillow monsters attack!!


we love to play with the furniture..

i think this pic looks good!!

gerie's gg on and on and on and on......... *yawn* hurhurr

go kitchen also must pose

tired liao la! no more shots!

ok last one! =D
Since it was our AGM, we stayed up the whole night/morning to update each other a year's worth of news. And having your own car is just sooo great, v drove us for breakfast at jalan kayu before sending us home. I love it that I can be myself in front of them, that I don't need to hide anything at all. I may have changed quite a bit since we left sn, they each may have changed too, but that night just brought all of us back, back to common ground, back to why back then, we were the inseparable four. No holds barred. I love it that they know exactly what I'm thinking, at exactly the right time. As if we could read each other's minds, at the same frequency, even after all these while. I love the classic gerie moments, I love their silly antics and childish bickerings, I love them all to bits.
I am indeed blessed. =D
she uttered nonsense at 1:53 AM$BlogItemDateTime$>
Monday, December 25, 2006
It isn't so bad when you really sit down to count your blessings. I've been.... pretty blessed actually.
I fell in love today. It was love at first sight, and I can't begin to describe just how much I wish he belonged to me. So all I want for christmas is a vw beetle. hahahhaaha. But I've been a bad girl this year, so no visiting from santa. ): byebye beetle. hurhur.
Although it's kinda late already... Merry x'mas. (:
/edit. This is bad, real bad. The more I look at the beetle the more I'm starting to xian2 nissan march. ):):):):): Oh and I seriously think that chrysler is UGLY la huns. The nose, the nose!! My eyes, my eyes!!! hahahaaaahahahaha
she uttered nonsense at 11:12 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>
Friday, December 22, 2006
Breathe in, breathe out. K-ing, shopping, shopping. whee.
'Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under 't.'Hypo-potamus.
She asked, 'don't you?' I said 'no'. Ok so maybe I was lying... but just a little bit. Trying to convince myself, maybe? Ironically, he asked too, and on the same night. This time I said yes. I guess I just wanted to let him really understand a little bit of what he would be going through, and that it's normal... I think.
It's funny the circumstances that brought us closer. It's weird how true it is, about how much I know although technically I wasn't ever invited. And it's also weird how I said all that, almost baring my heart to someone who's link with me has been broken. I never dared tell too many people, maybe I was afraid of others seeing the weak and pathetic side of me, or I didn't want others to change their impression of this happy-go-lucky girl.
Happy-go-lucky. I got allyne's card today, (thank you girl, and ure so early, i'm so proud of u haha) and a particular part of what she said invoked quite alot of mixed emotions in me. Where's the yuqin everyone once knew? I'm an 'inborn kai xin guo' and so from now onwards I WILL smile more. And so darling, here's a smile for you --> =D You may not realize it, you may not even have purposely meant it, but I think you woke me up. Thank you, you. (:
More shopping tmr, with the added bonus of mummydearest. heehee=D Gonna drag her to mango and dorothy perkins to continue where I left off earlier today!! yayys. Oh and girlS!! mng got sale. But how long has it been im not too sure. hahaa
she uttered nonsense at 1:01 AM$BlogItemDateTime$>
Monday, December 18, 2006
When you lose contact with someone you were once close to, it becomes quite sad. That person becomes someone you don't really know, either because he or she has changed so much that you don't really recognize them anymore, or that so much has been going on in their lives that you aren't aware of, that it becomes almost impossible to
feel close to that person any longer. A pity, really.
Those 2 days helped me find back abit of my humanity. True, it wasn't all fun and games, it was especially tiring, and trying. I felt kinda like a nanny. But it was a two-way thing. We helped each other. Cos it taught me patience, acceptance, love, and understanding. Things that I seemed to have lost in recent times. And that it isn't about quantity, it's about quality. Those people don't exactly have the best of everything, minimal in fact, but they're genuinely happy. And it reminded me to appreciate the little things in life. That even small acheivements are successes in themselves, and by that reason alone, is a cause for celebration.
I met some pretty nice people there, and they aren't just from anti-you. It's heartening to see that there are many people out there who are willing to help, who do care about the less fortunate people in society. To tell you the truth, I was initially quite skeptical. I was under the impression that many of them would be there for socializing purposes. But they all proved me wrong.... well MOST of them anyway. Haha, huns knows what I'm talking about. So anyways I've already got a red flower from the other time, and now I got an orange and green furry one to add to it. It's sweet how within that short period of time they can remember that I like orange and he gave that particular one that he made to me.
Maybe the camp really helped. Suddenly it seems as though.... it isn't such a pain in the neck anymore. Well it still is quite a pesky thing... just that I'm beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel already. Or have I simply gotten used to it? hmmm. Regardless, it's good.
I need to adjust my bodyclock!! It's seriously screwed. All I can say is, DAMN YOU GOONG AND O2!! hurhur. And 56's tempted me to watch er zuo ju all over again!!
And I've got driving 3 times this coming week! How positively
exciting. I can't wait. Can you tell?
I can't wait... pfffft. haha.
When the facts are staring at you blatantly in your face, you have no choice but to accept it, isn't it? Acceptance is one thing, how you react to it is another. But it's okay. Just a little while more, and it'll be okay.
Here's a shoutout to all the december nellers: wenyi, shifu, yiing, pekpek, haoyi - HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU'RE ALL A YEAR OLDER AND NO MATTER WHAT I'M STILL YOUNGER THAN ANY OF YOU!! MUAHHHAHAHA =D
she uttered nonsense at 1:57 AM$BlogItemDateTime$>
Thursday, December 07, 2006
I like the leisurely feeling of holidays. It's like you don't have to rush from one place to another, or one thing to another. I felt so free today that I went home through khatib with huns after subject registration. We were walking at our own pace, just doing things really slowly. Nice. And I love my huns, although she can be really pak jiao. hahaha. Sometimes I think I would have already sunk into a state of depression or madness this fateful semester without my roomie pulling me away from reality yet keeping me in check every so often.
I was reading the interview with stevenlim on the Sunday Times last week, and I wonder what goes on in the minds of people like him. Are they really so clouded in their judgement or do they just choose to be totally oblivious to what people say? He said in all seriousness that he gets approached by girls alot, and that alot of people have gone up to him to say he's handsome. omg. Either he's lying through his teeth, or sarcasm is entirely lost on him. How come ah, how come there are such buay paiseh people around huh?
And one time my boliao mind was thinking how to irritate the hell out of people who irritate you. Say someone calls you...... a disgrace to mankind or sth. I think I will say back 'why, thank you', and flash him the widest grin I can muster. Isn't that so super irritating? haha.
My mom doesn't know if there's a post office at jp even after working at stk for wad, 2 years already? Ok so neither do I even after being in anti-you for more than a year too.
I wanna do something meaningful. But I'm always this bit slower than others. ohwells. Think I'll help keety out at her camp for the mentally disabled next week. Anyone wanna help out too? 3 days. You are welcome to sign up as a participant. jiejie will hold your hand ok? =D
I'm being so random. lalalaaaaaaaa
she uttered nonsense at 10:44 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>